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Speaker: Bachynskyi


Another speaker at the forum - Ostap Bachynskyi, founder and head of Interselica Consulting, sales and business development expert, co-owner of June IT Academy and Ukrainian School of Investments - spoke about the first steps of an entrepreneur.

"Every entrepreneur spends his whole life looking for a new relevant niche to occupy and launch a product that will "shoot". To find your direction, you should constantly try and test," says Mr Ostap.

In this video - how to get your first profit, choose your industry and attract your first customers!

Implemented by the NGO "Tech StartUp School" as part of the project "Makership, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Chervonohrad coal micro-region".

The event is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of the project "Just Transition of Coal Regions and Green Recovery of Ukraine's Energy Sector".