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25 June

Business Ideas and Startups Competition

Tech StartUp School
The competition of business ideas and startups, held from June 25 to July 31, 2024, gave 12 innovators the opportunity to start their own entrepreneurial journey.
09 February


Tech StartUp School
The Hackathon "Makership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Chervonograd Coal Micro-region" gathered more than 140 participants around the idea of creating their own business! In teams led by experienced trainers who were speakers at the forum, the participants worked on writing their own business plans.
08 February


Tech StartUp School
The Forum "Makership, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Chervonograd coal microregion" is an event that launched the project of the same name, implemented by the NGO "Tech StartUp School". Its aim was to popularise the concept of fair transformation of coal microregions through the development of the entrepreneurial environment in them.

Implemented by the NGO "Tech StartUp School" as part of the project "Makership, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Chervonohrad coal micro-region".

The event is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of the project "Just Transition of Coal Regions and Green Recovery of Ukraine's Energy Sector".