In Chervonohrad, the project to create a hybrid public transport system in the city of Chervonohrad was presented!
In Chervonohrad, the project to create a hybrid public transport system in the city of Chervonohrad was presented!
The event was attended by
- Mayor of Chervonograd Andriy Zalivskyi
- Head of the NGO "Tech StartUp School" Nazar Podolchak
- Co-owner of Hydroxy Ukraine Nazariy Klimko
- Deputy Andrii Turkolyak, Director of Auto-Line LLC
As part of the "Makership, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Chervonohrad Coal Micro-region" project, 20 hydrogen systems will be installed on buses operating in Chervonohrad. The parties discussed the advantages of hybrid systems and the importance of this initiative for the further creation of an environmentally friendly public transport system in the region.
The equipment to be installed improves the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, making it possible to increase the economic, ecological and technical performance of motor vehicles. The technology is innovative because the systems generate hydrogen and oxygen directly on board the vehicle and mix them with air, improving the combustion process and fuel efficiency. There are plans to install these systems on commercial vehicles, which will significantly reduce the level of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, as well as reducing fuel consumption and extending the life of the vehicle!