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Consultations for all residents of Chervonohrad continue at the Technology Transfer Center!

Many eager individuals visited the Technology Transfer Center to receive answers to their questions from experienced consultants in grant writing, green energy, and 3D modeling.

Consultations on grant writing from Oleksandra Falchuk proved especially popular, as she is the go-to expert for any questions regarding the registration form for the Business Ideas and Startups Competition.

Consultations on green energy and 3D modeling are becoming increasingly practical with each session. This time, Oleksandr Zakharyash and Nazar Pyrsko helped visitors to the Technology Transfer Center refine their projects to ensure they have the potential for successful market entry and commercialization!

As a reminder, consultations at the Technology Transfer Center are free of charge. Register via the link and briefly describe your question to start working on your own business with experienced professionals.

Join our innovative community, where you're sure to find the direction that will help you grow!

Implemented by the NGO "Tech StartUp School" as part of the project "Makership, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Chervonohrad coal micro-region".

The event is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of the project "Just Transition of Coal Regions and Green Recovery of Ukraine's Energy Sector".