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Participants of the training "What is Just Transition and how it will help coal communities" visited Fab Lab

The Fab Lab was visited by the participants of the training "What is a fair transformation and how it will help coal communities," organized by the Center for Environmental Initiatives "Ecodia".

Fab Lab is an innovative technological laboratory. It contains a lot of different equipment to bring your most daring ideas to life, including 3D printers, a milling machine, a laser, hand tools, laptops, and sets for radio technicians and electronics specialists. Fab Lab was created within the framework of the Project "Making, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Chervonograd Coal Microregion."

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Implemented by the NGO "Tech StartUp School" as part of the project "Makership, innovation and entrepreneurship in the Chervonohrad coal micro-region".

The event is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of the project "Just Transition of Coal Regions and Green Recovery of Ukraine's Energy Sector".